品牌BRAND | 匀酒-酱香


Through the creativity of the bottle body, the transparent color beauty of "emerald" and the structure beauty of sharp edges and corners are presented. This is not only the cultural element of the product, but also the core of the overall design.

Intuitively from the front, the design creativity of the three-dimensional gem edge surface is derived from the integration and abstract extension of the "emerald" element, which is applied to the bottle. The irregular edges and corners can be matched with the square glass bottle cap to reflect the crystal-like texture, making the gem green The tune builds the style of the product, and shapes the flawless quality of the brilliance of the circulation.

On the back, we laser-engraved the shape of 36 Miao medicines on the silver bottle. The design concept of the silver bottle is taken from the silverware culture of the Miao nationality in the place where Yunjiu is located, implying blessing and inheritance.

The box body of this model has a crystal clear emerald on the top, further highlighting the product characteristics and the culture of uniform wine, which can penetrate the memory of the viewer.