品牌BRAND | 三花酒

奖项AWARD | iF design award 2021;A’ design award 2021

Drinking can be pleasant and enjoyable. The design of Sanhua Wine aims to convey the concept of "Better Life" to users from the beginning of packaging. Intuitive expressions using original colors and hand-drawn illustrations are the characteristics of this product. Original hand-painted illustrations were taken from Guilin, China, and then "Lijiang Green", which was specially prepared through hundreds of comparisons, was used as a bottle color to present the beautiful landscapes of China and bring the user "pleasure" and "enjoyment"appreciation Experience.

The concept of "better life" conveyed has always been the most genuine pursuit in human nature, and the fun and enjoyment of drinking can also be improved by packaging. Beauty is an indispensable part of "Better Life", and colors and intuitive scenes are a better way to spread beauty.

Redefine drinking patterns for Chinese liquor. In addition to social attributes, more emphasis is placed on overall enjoyment, combining "quality" and "view" organically, you can drink freely after opening the bottle, which is simple and convenient. And from the beginning of packaging, I began to feel the quality charm of Chinese liquor and the environmental charm of the beauty of the origin.