品牌BRAND | 酒鬼酒-万里走单骑


The bottle box design of Jiuguijiu adopts modern methods to interpret cultural traditions. Under the light and luxurious modern style, it adds to the historical and cultural value, which coincides with the watchman spirit of Walking. While continuing the classic brand imprint of Jiugui Liquor, we used original illustrations and crystal bottles to make innovations.

We have depicted the most distinctive twelve scenes among the twelve world heritage sites on a cultural map. The landscape carvings run through these ancient monuments, which are located in the north and south of the world. The paintings show their respective historical and cultural charms, allowing people to read them carefully and have sufficient cultural commemorative value.

Illustrations are the cultural basis and design focus of this product. We spent two months and repeated scrutiny to trace the spirit of each building from the ground on paper without losing its charm.