品牌 BRAND丨穿山岩酒窖

奖项 AWARD | iF design award 2021

奖项 BRAND | Muse Design Award 2022(铂金奖)

The design of Chuanshanyan wine cellar fully expresses its nature and high-valued quality, and creates a grand realm of “Shengde Ruoyu”(which in Chinese means “If a gentleman's virtue is good and is modest,he always looks simple in appearance") with its simple and atmospheric design style. We use the irregular rock rings of Chuanshanyan to build a spherical bottle body, and then carve Guilin's unique scenic spots. Another feature is the outstanding mountain shaped bottle top, which shows the wonders of Guilin's mountains and rivers, and also highlights the difference of wine texture and design.

The texture of rock is an important impression we want to create. In chuanshanyan wine cellar, the natural old wine also coincides with the characteristics of simplicity, solidity and texture.

Chuanshanyan wine cellar: the black stone like texture bottle body and the golden mountain at the top construct the unique "chuanshanyan wine cellar". The irregular plate structure also gives it a unique aesthetic feeling. The hidden design language is generous, mellow and fragrant, which gives chuanshanyan wine cellar high brand recognition through packaging.